Jarrarium guide: How to Make, Plants and Animals

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A jarrarium is a miniature ecosystem housed inside a glass jar or other transparent container. Jarrariums allow you to observe tiny worlds up close and take care of living plants at home or the office. With some basic supplies and a little know-how, anyone can create a thriving jarrarium to brighten their space.

What is a Jarrarium?

A jarrarium is a closed terrarium made in a jar or other clear vessel. Jarrariums are easy-to-care-for, low maintenance systems. The glass jar contains soil, small plants, sometimes rocks or bark, and often water. The water provides humidity while the closed lid keeps moisture inside, creating a balanced, self-sustaining ecosystem.

Jarrariums offer an up-close look at a tiny world. Watch plants grow and see water condense and drip down the inside of the glass. They allow you to have a bit of nature in any indoor space while learning about botany and biology. Caring for your jarrarium teaches responsibility and can be both educational and relaxing.

Jarrariums are also called:

  • Ecosystem jars
  • Terrariums in jars
  • Mini indoor gardens
  • Glass bubble gardens

Unlike traditional open terrariums, jarrariums are fully sealed and need no maintenance for weeks or months. The water reservoir provides moisture and humidity so you don’t need to water regularly. The only care needed is occasional trimming and cleaning.

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Why Keep a Jarrarium? Benefits and Uses

Cultivating a jarrarium provides many benefits beyond visual enjoyment. Here are top reasons to start your own jarrarium:

Observe Nature Up Close

A jar’s magnifying effect lets you get up close to small plants and aquatic life. Mosses, ferns, succulents, and carnivorous plants are common jarrarium specimens. You can also add tiny snails, shrimp, or insects to create a balanced micro-ecosystem. Observe how the plants and animals interact in this enclosed habitat.

Clean the Air

Plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, improving air quality indoors. Jarrariums allow you to purify air without taking up floor or table space. The greenery and water create humidity as well. This helps counteract the dryness caused by heating and air conditioning.

Brighten Your Decor

Jarrariums bring charming living decor anywhere: desks, shelves, tabletops, or windowsills. The glass containers come in wide shapes and sizes, allowing you to find the perfect jarrarium for your space. From apothecary jars to cookie jars to glass bubbles, a jarrarium adds natural style to any room.

Teach Responsibility

Caring for a jarrarium helps children learn about nature, biology, and ecology while teaching plant care responsibility. Watching the miniature world develop teaches patience and stewardship. Tracking plant growth and spotting new sprouts can be exciting for kids.

Relieve Stress

Studies show interacting with indoor plants improves mood, reduces stress, and increases productivity. The greens and water have a soothing effect. Tending to the jarrarium gives you a meditative ritual. Pruning plants and wiping condensation is simple, mindful work.

Enjoy Low-Maintenance Greenery

Jarrariums need little maintenance compared to standard houseplants or terrariums. The sealed environment regulates itself, needing no watering or fertilizing. Once balanced, a jarrarium can thrive for years with just occasional trimming back and cleaning. It’s an easy way to enjoy living plants!

The Fascinating Story Of The Oldest Sealed Terrarium

How Jarrariums Work

Jarrariums strike the ideal balance between the gaseous byproducts of plant respiration (carbon dioxide) and photosynthesis (oxygen). Here is how the self-sustaining system works:

  • Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis. This oxygen accumulates and saturates the container.
  • Excess oxygen aids water conversion into vapor, humidifying the air. Condensation forms on the glass walls.
  • Condensation trickles down, keeping the soil moist. The water reservoir also provides moisture.
  • Moist soil and humid air create optimal growing conditions for the plants.
  • As long as adequate sunlight is provided, the cycle of humidification, condensation, and evaporation provides for the ecosystem.

The jarrarium environment replicates conditions on a forest floor. Vascular plants release moisture into the air through transpiration. Moss thrives in humid environments and helps regulate moisture and soil health. Condensation mimics the water cycle in nature, circulating moisture. The glass container traps and recycles this water vapor like a rainforest canopy.

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Choosing the Best Plants and Specimens

Half the fun of a jarrarium is selecting plants and other specimens to include in the miniature world. You’ll want hardy plants suited to the high-humidity environment. Consider size, growth rates, and compatibility when choosing specimens.

Plants for Jarrariums

Aim for small plants that tolerate high humidity and low soil nutrients:

  • Mosses: Add lush green groundcover. Java moss and mood moss work well and grow quickly.
  • Ferns: Choose fine leaved varieties like maidenhair, button, and rabbit’s foot ferns.
  • Orchids: Mini orchids add color. Many thrive on just air moisture with no soil needed.
  • Succulents: Hens and chicks, burro’s tail, and stonecrops stay compact.
  • Carnivorous plants: Sundew and Venus flytraps need high humidity and add exotic interest.
  • Tropical plants: Bromeliads, anthurium, and nerve plants enjoy jarrarium conditions.
  • Moss balls: Marimo balls are an interesting zero-maintenance addition.

Creatures for Jarrariums

You can turn your jarrarium into a living vivarium by adding tiny animals. Popular options include:

  • Snails: Help keep plant growth in check while being fun to watch.
  • Shrimp: Cherry shrimp add color and interest. Amano shrimp help clean algae.
  • Insects: Springtails, isopods, and beetles aid the ecosystem.
  • Amphibians: Small aquatic frogs or salamanders can live in planted jars. Ensure ample oxygen.

Avoid adding too many creatures to prevent overcrowding. Research species’ care before selecting animals. Provide hiding spots like sticks, rocks, or moss islands so creatures feel secure.

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Size Considerations

Choose small, slow growing plants and specimens to suit the jar habitat. Avoid large plants that quickly outgrow the space. Seek tropical plants that thrive in humidity.

Select 1-3 main plant varieties. Add a few moss varieties as groundcover. Complement with 1-2 miniature creatures if desired. Underplant rather than overplant the jar to help plants thrive.

Aim to fill about 1/3 to 1/2 of the jar with plants and landscape. Leave room for soil and water. Overplanting can lead to population explosions, oxygen depletion, and ecosystem collapse.

Setting Up the Jarrarium

Now that you know what makes a jarrarium work and what to put inside, it’s time to build your jarrarium. Follow these steps to set up your glass enclosed ecosystem.

Supplies Needed

You likely already have many jarrarium supplies at home. Gather these materials:

  • Glass jar: A rounded shape works best. Look for wide mouth 1-2 gallon jars. Vintage canning jars and apothecary jars work beautifully.
  • Small gravel and/or sand: Add a drainage layer at the bottom of the jar. Aquarium gravel, pea gravel, and horticultural sand work.
  • Activated charcoal: Helps absorb odors and toxins. Look for charcoal sold for terrariums/paludariums.
  • Potting soil: Use fast-draining soil with compost or coconut coir added. Opt for soil formulated for tropical plants and orchids.
  • Plants, mosses, specimens: See the lists above for best options.
  • Distilled water: Use purified water free of chemicals and dissolved solids.
  • Cleaning supplies: Cloth, mild soap, and algae scrubber to prep and later clean the jar.

Optional gear includes cultured springtail insects, long tweezers, and aquarium rock or driftwood for decor. Ensure any decor added won’t alter water chemistry.

Step-by-Step Build

Follow these steps to construct your jarrarium:

  1. Thoroughly clean the glass jar and lid with mild soap and water. Rinse well and let dry completely.
  2. Add the drainage layer. Cover jar bottom with 1-2 inches of gravel. Top with a thin layer of activated charcoal.
  3. Scoop in moist potting mix to about 1/3 or 1/2 jar height. Gently pack to avoid air pockets but don’t over-compress.
  4. Decorate with mini landscape elements like rocks or sticks from nature. Mist lightly to further settle soil.
  5. Remove plants from pots, loosen roots, and evenly space in the jar. Embed moss among plants. Add creatures last.
  6. Slowly pour distilled water into the reservoir, leaving 1-2 inches below the jar rim. Stop before soil gets oversaturated.
  7. Seal the jar and place it in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent overheating.

Mist jar walls with water initially to boost humidity. Wipe away any initial condensation until the system stabilizes. Enjoy watching your miniature world take shape!

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Caring for Your Thriving Jarrarium

Jarrariums require minimal care to stay lush and healthy. Follow these maintenance tips:

Let It Acclimate

For the first few weeks, just observe the ecosystem balance itself. Growth may slow at first as plants adapt. Leaves may yellow and die off: remove these. Condensation will coat the glass at first. Wipe it away and continue waiting.

Add Microfauna

Once acclimated, add springtails, isopods, or other insects to aid the cycle. Their waste feeds plants while they eat decaying plant matter. Introduce only a few at a time.

Control Growth

Trim plants once the jar looks filled in and growth quickens. Use small scissors or tweezers to prune plants back lightly. Remove yellowing leaves and dying matter promptly. Thinning helps regulate the environment.

Top Up Water

Add just a bit of distilled water every few months as water evaporates. Pour carefully down the inside wall of the jar vs. directly on plants. Stop before saturating soil to avoid rot.

Clean Glass

Wipe away any green algae buildup on the glass walls every few months with an aquarium algae scraper and cloth. Clean excess condensation. Washing the outside also lets in more light.

Enjoy the View!

Beyond basic care, simply observe your jarrarium world and enjoy the view! Relax as you watch snails glide around, shrimp swim, plants sprout, and condensation bead. Finding wonder in your mini ecosystem can have therapeutic benefits.

Troubleshooting Problems

When starting a sealed ecosystem from scratch, issues can sometimes arise. Here are solutions for common jarrarium troubles:

Excess Condensation

If heavy condensation persists for weeks, the jar may be lacking air circulation. Open and ventilate for 30 minutes to refresh oxygen levels, adding springtails. Leaving the top slightly ajar can also help.

Mold Growth

Trim off moldy plant matter immediately upon noticing it. Wipe down any glass mold with diluted vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Introduce springtails to help fight mold naturally by cleaning decay.

Algae Buildup

Algae on glass is common as conditions stabilize. Manually wipe it away monthly. Reduce light exposure if severe. Adding algae eating shrimp or snails can help control it.

Declining Plants

Yellow or limp plants often indicate overwatering. Reduce soil moisture by leaving the top ajar for a few days. Prune decaying matter so it doesn’t infect other plants. Introduce springtails to clean and aerate soil.

Invasive Snails

Though beneficial, snail populations can boom out of control. Reduce numbers by manually removing excess snails. Slice a potato or cucumber and leave it in overnight to trap the pests for easy removal. Avoid overfeeding.

Cloudy Water

Cloudy water usually results from stirred up soil or rotting plant matter. Let the water settle for a few days. Perform a partial water change if needed, siphoning from the bottom.

Inspiring Jarrarium Design Ideas

One of the joys of jarrariums is letting your creativity run wild! Decorating yourtiny terrarium is part of the fun. Consider these design ideas:

  • Add miniature bark rounds, stair stepping stones, or river rocks for whimsical landscape elements.
  • Incorporate twisted grapevine pieces, tiny shells, or sticks collected from nature for accent decor.
  • Opt for sea glass, vintage beads, or small marbles in place of traditional gravel as visual interest.
  • Affix petite flowers or mini mushrooms with hot glue to decor items to add a playful touch.
  • Intentionally place small figurines like fairies or gnomes within your jarrarium landscape for an enchanting feel.
  • Use wire or strong thread to suspend small butterfly, dragonfly, or bee charms above the garden.
  • Affix a tiny framed photo or inspirational quote to the outside of the glass with decorative tape.
  • Use food coloring to tint the water fun colors like deep blue or vibrant violet. Reddish water can resemble exotic mineral pools.

Take inspiration from nature themes when designing your jarrarium. Recreate a magical mossy forest floor, lush jungle water garden, or Hawaiian tropical paradise in a jar. The micro-environment is yours to envision!

Enjoying Your Thriving World

Cultivating your own flourishing jarrarium ecosystem brings a wealth of rewards. As you observe the tranquil world inside the glass walls, you can:

  • Find daily wonder in watching tiny snails glide around lush landscapes.
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment seeing the plants and creatures thrive under your care.
  • Relax as the living artwork adds harmonic energy to your home or workspace.
  • Immerse yourself in the hypnotic beauty of water droplets forming on glass and green moss spreading.
  • Let go of stress as you prune leaves and tend to life in the jar, entering a meditative flow state.
  • Experience the joys of connecting with nature up close, even while indoors.
  • Share the joy with others, from kids to co-workers, as you proudly display your glass enclosed creation.
  • Learn deeper lessons about how even small worlds abundantly support life when cared for properly.

However you enjoy it, nurturing your own jarrarium oasis can be deeply satisfying. A balanced ecosystem in a jar allows you to foster new life and immerse yourself in the wondrous spirit of nature.

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